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How To Get Tougher Hands For Everything

How to get Tougher hands for Everything

This is one way to thicken and toughen (Callous) the skin on your hands evenly. It may be of use to Boxers, Martial Artists, Weight Lifters, Crossfiters, Ninja Warriors, Grip Strength Enthusiasts, someone new to The Trades Works, etc.

This method works well for our soon to be released:

Get Your First Muscle Up Program

There are a lot of Methods out there for getting tougher skin;

Some are weird: Using a Paste of Whisky & G*npowder

Some are Disgusting: Soaking in Urine from Horse, Human, Sheep, Bear, etc

Some are Dangerous: Soaking in Gasoline, Diesel, formaldehyde (embalming fluid), Etc.

Suffice it to say there was a lot of weird stuff to sort through. Some methods caused stains on the skin, some long term health effects, etc… and yes people actually did all of the above listed things.

Here is what we suggest:
Make 500mls of Brine by adding Pickeling Salt to Boiling water, and stirring until Now more Salt will Dissolves. Then Cool to Room Temp.

Then Add it to 250ml / 1cup of 5% White Vinegar from the Grocery Store, and 500mls / 2cups 95% Ethanol Rubbing Alcohol (NOT Isopropyl).

I made a double batch, and used it to top up as needed. Be sure to store in Seal container in the fridge

If Solution begins to smell Rotten, or show any signs of biological Grow, get rid of it, and start at new batch.

For myself I soaked each hand 5min. Then Let’s dry, and stay on my hands for at least 90min.


Twice per week, for a month, and saw noticeable results. ***Don’t exceed 3 months.***

Part of this process will cause chapping, and cracking in the skin around the nails. So it is very important to use a nail file remove any cracking as soon as it starts.

Also you will want to make sure you using a a good quality hand lotion like:

This isn’t Medical Advice, but what has worked for me. You should consult someone with letters after their name in the medical field before under taking anything you read on the internet.

If at any point you start to have a negative reaction to this protocol, you should immediately stop.

If you Are looking for something to help with Arthritis, Bruising, or other Similar issues with the hand please check out Ghost Hand Jow:

Use The Code:

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Lets Fix Your Elbow Pain

Being in Pain Sucks, So Let’s Fix It.

Regardless of their Sport, or Activity Level, many people Suffer from Elbow Pain. It is usually either The Inside of The Elbow (Golfers’ Elbow) or The Outside of The Elbow (Tenins Elbow). Either way Follow the steps in the video:

Cheat Sheet:

Best Practice to Heal it up:
*10-15reps, Per Side, Per Position, Per Direction, Twice per day
*Use Dr. Dale’s TIGER EXITS THE FOREST” Liniment Before (Rub in Until Dry), and After; Leave on for >30min
*Continue for 3 weeks or as long as needed

Minimum Effort to Heal it up:
*Wrapping only over the Elbow, 10-15reps, Per Side, Per Direction, Twice per day
*Use Dr. Dale’s TIGER EXITS THE FOREST” Liniment Before (Rub in Until Dry), and After
*Continue for 3 weeks or as long as needed

Best Practice to Prevent Future Flare Ups:
*Apply (Rubb in Until Dry) Dr. Dale’s TIGER EXITS THE FOREST” Liniment to the area that sometimes bothers you Before, throwing.
*Then, Warm Up with 10-15 reps in each direction with a band, no need to wrap, unless you elbow is bothering you
*Reapply Liniment; Leave on for >30min

*Twice per Week 10-15reps, Per Side, Per Position, Per Direction,
*Use Dr. Dale’sTIGER EXITS THE FOREST” Liniment Before (Rub in Until Dry), and After; Leave on for >30min

Minimum to Prevent Future Flare Ups:
*Apply (Rubb in Until Dry) Dr. Dale’sTIGER EXITS THE FOREST” Liniment to the area that sometimes bothers you Before, throwing.
*Then, Warm Up with 10-15 reps in each direction with a band, no need to wrap, unless you elbow is bothering you
*Reapply Liniment; Leave on for >30min

*Twice per Week 10-15reps, Per Side, Per Position, Per Direction,
*Use Dr. Dale’sTIGER EXITS THE FOREST” Liniment Before (Rub in Until Dry), and After; Leave on for >30min

WHY DO I Recommend Dr. Dale’s“TIGER EXITS THE FOREST” ? Am I Getting Paid?
It is what Use, It works better than anything else I have tried. I like that it isn’t Greasy, and does have my Smelling Like WinterGreen All Day

Do you have to Use Dr. Dale’sTIGER EXITS THE FOREST” ? No. You don’t have to do anything I suggest, but it works a lot Better/Faster if you do.

I receive no Compensation or payment for this recommnedation, NONE. But We got Dr. Dale to Hook You up with a Discount Code, for 15% OFF, and FREE SHIPPING. You Can Get TIGER EXITS THE FOREST”, JUST CLICK HERE.

Use the CODE: PainSucks
***It works on Everything***

As Promised:
Oh, and we wanted to make it EASY TO Get STARTED, So We Built a few PAIN SUCKS KITS with Everything You Will Need , Just CLICK HERE

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Why The Slick 24s are the Best Shorts Out There

The Slick 24’s were built from the ground up to be as tough as you need them to be, and do everything you need them to do.

Available in Just Black or Badlands Beige.

GET YOUR PAIR of SLICK’s HERE, and find out why we think these are the best shorts on the market.

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Enter The Savanah Slim

The Seme aka “The Lion Sword”, is the go-to EDC knife of The Maasai People (Plains of Kenya/Tanzania/South Sudan) . They use it for Everything from:

*Clearing brush
*Butchering Cattle
*Peeling Fruit

We first handled a Seme when we got one as a gift from someone we trained, before they went to do Mission Work. We were immediately impressed. Made from Scrap Metal, and Melted Down Soup Cans, held together with Goatskin, and Sinew. In spite of this, it was a great blade:

*Well Enough Balanced for throwing
*Light Enough to use all day
*Small Enough to carry on your belt or in your backpack
*Big Enough for Good Leverage, and Chopping/Hacking
*Fast Enough… should you need it to be.

A testament to the ingenuity and tenacity of people making the best tool they could, with what they had. It is the accumulation of 100’s of years of R n’ D.

Things that were Great:

*Well Balanced due to Tapered Shape
*Manageable Length (~18.5”)
*Symmetrical Handle

Overview of Upgrades:

*Differential Hardened 1095 Spring/Tool Steel
*Thickness increased to 3/16” / 5mm
*Bowie Style Belly
*Added Breaking Wedge
*Added Lanyard / Lashing Holes
*Added Leather Wrapped Handle

*Differentially Hardened 1095 Spring/Tool Steel, and the blade thickness increased by ~50%. This makes it a tougher, and more durable tool. It will better stand up to the field use and abuse. This includes “Batoning” style use, a common technique for wood processing.

It holds and edge well, and is easy to sharpen in the field 1095 is the same steel “Cold Steel” uses in their Mizutori Katana and Wakazashi.

*Bowie Style Belly glides through material better than the original. It is also much better suited for Skinning and Game Processing| From a fighting standpoint it facilitates to the use of the “Back-Cut”.

*Added a Breaking Wedge on the back side of the business end. Used for breaking bones when you are processing Game, or Breaking Rocks etc. This lets to you save the edge. The Symmetrical Point makes the blade well used for sticking when thrown.

*Lanyard / Lashing Holes let you make an impromptu spear for hunting and fishing. You can also use it as a lanyard, allowing for a looser grip, letting the tool work when hacking and chopping. Also if you are working at heights, or near open water.

*Leather Wrapped Handles are comfortable. A tip of the hat to one of the most (In)Famous and Proven designs in the world, the USMC Ka-Bar, first issued Dec 9, 1942.

Smooth enough not to wreck you hands during extended periods of use. It fills the hand, and has the right amount of give for a good grip.

The Savannah Slim:

First, a tribute to the region (Kenya and Tanzania) and the people (Maasia) the general design comes from.

Second, it pays homage the (Jim) Bowie Belly, on a Longer, Slimmer, Faster, Profile. “Slim Jim”.

Finally, a Tip of The Hat to one of the most Respected Knife Makers in the Game, Tracker Dan, and his “Jungle Slim”.


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What 5 Things Make A Great Throwing Knife?


*J7OMA Shown Above; Purpose Built To Be the Best Small Through Knife Available* 

Let me start this out by saying, if you put in a lot of time and effort to develop the skillset, you can learn to throw anything point and make it stick. If you have the right tools for the job, it is much easier.


A good throwing Knife needs to be heavy enough that when thrown you can let the tool do the work. It’s easier to throw larger knives like Bowies, machetes, etc. than smaller objects. The problem with most throwing knives is they are far to light.

You can stick lighter throwing knives; you can stick anything, but it is much more work, and takes much more skill. It takes a certain amount of force to make an object to stick into the target.

Force is equal to Mass x Acceleration or F=m*a So the lighter an object is, the faster it needs to move to have enough energy or force to pierce the target and stick. For most, “whipping it” is where things fall of the rails

Blade Shape
The point of the knife needs to be fine enough to create enough pressure that so it will pierce the target. The finer the point, the less force you need to pierce the target.

Pressure is Force over Area or Pa= F/A

The trick is, it also needs to be strong enough that it will stand up to repeated use and abuse. Trust me when I say throwing your knives is very hard on them.

The blade shape and Balance go hand in hand. There must be enough material on the blade, to make it “Blade Heavy”. This makes it much easier to throw by the handle in the “No Spin” Style. This the reason you see a Leaf Shaped, over sized blade on throwing knives.

When the knife is weighted right, the blade slides out of your hand, glides through the air, and into the target.

Handle Shape
For a knife to be easy to throw “No Spin”, it needs to have a smooth, undersized, tapered handle. The trick to having a knife stick with authority is your release.

When throwing “No Spin”, you want a smooth handle. If there is any texture on the handle, a pommel, or feature on the handle, it creates interference points. This makes it more difficult to throw. You can stick it, but it requires and a change in technique.

A throwing knife is made of a steal that is Hard Enough that it holds an Edge, and Soft Enough that it doesn’t break. Most of the “Super Steals” are aren’t well suited. The 1095 High Carbon Tool Steal is an excellent choice, providing your Blade/Tip geometry is not too fine.

The J7OMA is based on the Accumulation of knowledge and experience gathered from more than 20 years of throwing Pointed things. It has all the features that make a great throwing knife. Here are the Specs:

Length: ~8-1/16” / ~20.5cm
Thickness: ~3/16” / ~4mm
Weight: ~3.5oz / ~100g
Material: 1095 Tool Steel
Blade Shape: Modernized Tanto-DropPoint Hybrid
Balance: Blade Heavy
Handle: Tapered-Skeletonized-Neutral

The J7OMA is the best throwing knife we have used to date. It will work if you do.

The unique thing about the J7OMA is it is a Great field knife, and a Great Throwing Knife.

Stay Tuned,


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Clean Your Own House First

Right now things are different… Different than almost anyone alive has ever experienced.

Our favorite things to do have changed:

*Going to the Gym has Changed
*Going to our Favorite Place to Eat Changed
*Going to see our Friends and Family Changed
(**Depending on Location**)

I have had many folks ask me variations of, “So what do we do now?” My answer is simple:

“Clean Your Own House First”

I know what you are thinking, “What an A–hole” and “At least he did say, “Let Them Eat Cake”.

Allow me to explain: When the world feels like it is crashing down all around us, it is easy to get sucked into “BlackPilled Nihilisic Doomer” type of Mentality. There are no shortage of people that will be pushing a “The End is Near” type of philosophy, and there are Plenty of Conspiracy theories. So what do we do?

“Clean Your Own House First”

We start by improving the things that we can control, and focusing on the things that are going well.

For example:
*You can still exercise without going to the gym
*You can learn to cook better food at home, and try new recipes from the interweb

*You can stay in touch via Phone, text, or tons of various messaging platforms
*Lets be honest, sometimes it is nice to not have to drive 21hrs round trip to do family Christmas

“Clean Your Own House First”

This starts with making sure your house is as clean and as tidy as it can be; and your bed made (seriously). If your house is in order, your stress levels are lower; having to stay inside won’t feel like such a terrible thing.

This also means establishing a new routine. Humans are pattern seeking creatures, a certain level of predictability gives us comfort. Build a “Schedule” or “Action for yourself” with a few items you will hit everyday no matter what; as an example:

First thing upon waking do 15-45min of exercise. It doesn’t matter if it is: Kettlebells, Resistance Bands, AGRO Rope, Taking the Pooch for a Walk, Jumping Jacks, Stairs, Step-ups, Push-ups, Pull-ups, Burpees, DRAGO v1, etc. Do Something. This has the effect improving your health, your mood, as well as shaking off the brain fog in the morning.

Next is we need to find some type of passion project. This is something you do for you because you love it, you would pay to do it if you need to. It can be anything: working on a cookbook, scrapbooking, writing a novel or short stories, building model trains, poetry, whipmaking, basket weaving, etc. no ones passion project is any better than anyone else’s. Pick something that excites you, and will leave you with a sense of accomplishment. Spend one hour per day on something you love.

Spend one hour on self-development. This can be Learning a new language, working on an online course, a business plan, research project, etc. pick something that will make you better and more employable when the rebound happens.

Spend 15-45min in the early evening doing some type of physical activity; any of the previously listed will be fine, you may also want to do some YouTube yoga, etc. This allow you to blow off some steam from the day, and will help you sleep better. In addition to improving mental and physical health.

The last thing you will do, is spend time Cleaning Your Own House: Beds made, pillows fluffed, laundry done, dishes washed, floors vacuumed, mirrors spotless, and toilets cleaned. This is important not only so you don’t die of the Plague, but also because we end the day with restoring order to our lives.

Now is the time to be your Best Self… for you, and as an example for others.

“Clean Your Own House First”

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The Monks & Mavericks Ep 10 : The Sharp & The Dirty End of The Stick; Covid Questions w/Sean Taylor


Sean Taylor is a Currently a Registered Nurse Working in British Columbia, Canada, a former PysOps Operative, and a Member of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC)

This Episode delves into the conspiracy theory Rabbit Hole, Coping with Confirmation Bias, and The Basics of What “Psychological Operations” Are.

Who do you want to hear from next? Or do you have something you want to get into?
Leave a Comment Below, and or reach out to us directly

Find Sean Taylor at:

Also Mentioned: Grizzly Patriot

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Enter The Lore of The Afghan Lor / Lohar

The Lor sometimes Romanized as Lohar is a very unique design we stumbled across a little while back.
The word Lor (Lohar) can sometime mean a Tinkerer or Blacksmith. In this case we will be discussing The Lor as a tool.
The Lor is a a traditional Farming tool carried by the Tribesman near the Khyber Pass (Afghan-Pakistan Border). It looks very like The Japanese Kama or Tomahawk sized Scythe or Sickle. Though Similar designs have existed in India.
There are two Main Types of The Lor: a Fixed Blade version and the much more interesting Folding version. Every Tribesman must to make his own, decorating, and stylizing it to their own liking. With that said, the common material used to make The Lor are Carbon Steel, Brass, and a Bone Handle.
The Lor has a variety of speculated uses:
*Farming tool
*Assassin’s Weapon
*Status Symbol and Cultural Identifier of the Tribesman of Khyber Pass
*Pick-Axe to assist in climbing the steep unforgiving snow covered terrain of the region.
There is some truth in all of them.
The Tribesman of the Khyber Pass region used The Lor against the British. We haven’t been able to find much historical record of this.
Due to the Short Range of the The Lor, it wouldn’t have provided much benefit over a sword or spear. It’s Biggest advantage are conceal-ability, and Speed of Deployment for Ambush type of attacks (Once they have been worked in).

It is one of the more interesting designs we have stumbled across in our travels. It has an Assassin’s Creed – Steam Punk sort Flavor to it.
If you want to own one of these unique pieces of history, we have a Limited number of them available:
*Please add a Free Shemagh on us*