The Lor sometimes Romanized as Lohar is a very unique design we stumbled across a little while back.
The word Lor (Lohar) can sometime mean a Tinkerer or Blacksmith. In this case we will be discussing The Lor as a tool.
The Lor is a a traditional Farming tool carried by the Tribesman near the Khyber Pass (Afghan-Pakistan Border). It looks very like The Japanese Kama or Tomahawk sized Scythe or Sickle. Though Similar designs have existed in India.
There are two Main Types of The Lor: a Fixed Blade version and the much more interesting Folding version. Every Tribesman must to make his own, decorating, and stylizing it to their own liking. With that said, the common material used to make The Lor are Carbon Steel, Brass, and a Bone Handle.

The Lor has a variety of speculated uses:
*Farming tool
*Assassin’s Weapon
*Status Symbol and Cultural Identifier of the Tribesman of Khyber Pass
*Pick-Axe to assist in climbing the steep unforgiving snow covered terrain of the region.
There is some truth in all of them.
The Tribesman of the Khyber Pass region used The Lor against the British. We haven’t been able to find much historical record of this.
Due to the Short Range of the The Lor, it wouldn’t have provided much benefit over a sword or spear. It’s Biggest advantage are conceal-ability, and Speed of Deployment for Ambush type of attacks (Once they have been worked in).
It is one of the more interesting designs we have stumbled across in our travels. It has an Assassin’s Creed – Steam Punk sort Flavor to it.
If you want to own one of these unique pieces of history, we have a Limited number of them available:
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