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Ranger Bands Ragnar Bands: What Are They and How Are They Used?

The Ragnar Bands are our take on “Ranger Bands”. Ranger Bands were originally made from Bicycle inner tubes cut to make rings.

Due to the stiffness of the rubber of the inner tube and the small size, the applications were somewhat limited, and they could be a bit difficult to use in some of the cases, but they worked “Good Enough”.

“Good Enough is the Enemy of The Best”

Upon special request from a RedTeam Member, we set out to design the best, most versatile and user friendly version of the Ranger Bands we could, and the Ragnar Bands were Born.

The Standard Specs of Ranger Bands are:

Length Folded: ~2” or 50mm
Width: ~1/2” or 12.5mm
Thickness: ~ .040” or 1mm
Material: Tire Inner Tube

*Please note there may be slight deviation from those specs*

The Specs for Ragnar Bands are:

Length Folded: ~4” or 10cm
Stretched Length: ~8” or 20cm @5lbs
Width: ~3/8” or 10mm
Thickness: ~ .060” or 1.5mm
Material: Resistance Band Grade Rubber

The Ragnar Bands were designed to look much like Regular Rubber Bands, but in Black, and they were sized to be able to be worn on the wrist, making them easily confused as cause bracelets.

The greater length makes them much easier to fit around larger objects, and they can be easily doubled up for securing smaller objects.

With the Ragnar Bands being 50% thicker, but only 20% narrower, there is 30% more cross-section than the commonly available Ranger Bands

The slightly thicker, higher grade rubber provides more Strength, Stretch, and Durability than the Original Design.

Ragnar Bands have a variety of uses:

*Hair Tie
*Strengthening the Extensors of the Hand
*Improving your Trigger Pull
*Mini Brujo Bands for Swollen Knuckles
*Taking the Rattle out of your kit
*Weapon Rention (Libre Style)
*HoodRatArts And Crafts: Launchers, Grips
*Keeping container lids closed
*Attachment of Gear to
*Etc. your Rig

Check Out the Video Demo Playlist:

Our Ragnar Bands aren’t an off the shelf Product. They were Purpose Built to our exacting specifications from the same High Grade materials as our Resistance Bands, and Brujo Bands.

Ragnar Bands are available exclusively through Delta 2 Alpha Design Inc, Get Yours Here



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Learn How To Use a Kusari

Learning how to use flexible weapons and Flails (like the Kusari) can be difficult, and frustrating at first.

The Strength and the Weakness of the Kusari and other flexible weapons are that they will always follow through, and they are difficult to stop.

Below is a Seven Video Series we put together to get you started, and familiar with how a Kusari Moves, as well as how to move the Kusari around your body, your body around the Kusari, how to flow through your strikes, and the basics of chaining it all together.

This Just lays out the basics, and is be no means a complete list of what you can do with a Kusari.

**The Last video in the Playlist shows how to make a Trainer**

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HoodRat Arts and Crafts How To Make a Manriki Kusari Fundo Trainer

HoodRat Arts and Crafts:

How to make a Trainer for your Manriki Kusari some time also know as a Kusari Fundo.

As anyone that has played with a pair of Nunchucks (after watching “Enter The Dragon” or TMNT) can attest to; You will hit yourself… a lot… and in the face. When I was learning, I definitely didn’t hit myself behind the ear, and I definitely didn’t see stars from it… Nope, Sure didn’t

My Brother Ruelas Tool (IG link Below) has started to experiment and popularize the idea of a Kusari with Metal weight as an EDC option. In the Video Below we show how to easily make a training version of the Kursari.

Check Out:


******Flexible Weapons can be a bit tricky in the beginning. Let us know if you want to see a few drills and techniques to help get you started.******

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The Monks & Mavericks Ep 10 ft. Jay of TuffPossumGear – Entrepreneurship, Principles of Design, Life

#life #Mindset #EDC #Philosophy

Jayberry Miller Started TuffPossumGear when before he could legally drive a car. He did his because he loved the outdoors, couldn’t afford the gear he wanted, and wanted to serve others.

Check out:

We discus Dieter Ram’s 10 Principles of design, Nerd out on Textiles and the diffence between good gear, and lemons. We also get into Life, and what drives a young man onward and upward.

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The Monks & Mavericks Ep 9 ft. Hoodoo Moses – Occult Magik Shamanism Drugs Culture & Appropriations

#Occult #magik #Magic #Majik #Drugs #mystery #culture #religion

Brother Hoodoo Moses and Ace go down the garden path on occult, drugs, culture, “Cultural Appropriation” and beyond, with:

We had been trying to make this on happen for a minute; and with a bit of verbal sparring it was one of the deeper dives we’ve done.

Books Mentioned:
*Secret Teachings of all Ages
*The Golden Bough
*The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic book
*Richest Man in Babylon
*Millionaire Next Door
*Millionaire Mindset
*I Will Teach You To Be Rich

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How to Add Weight to Your Mace Bell


#Strength #Power #functional

A Mace Bell will build a weird level of FreakStrength in ways few items can.

After about a year of working with the 15kg Mace, I decided it was time to take it to the next level.

When I received a 20kg Mace in the mail, I found that the jump was a bit too much for me; my form suffered, and so did my elbows.

Here is how you can work up to the next size of Mace without having to drop your training volume, keeping your form on point, and your Joints happy…

… and without breaking the Bank .




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Project Lazarus Phase 1 – The Rejuvenation and Regeneration of The Old Man

Project Lazarus:

This will be an ongoing series that documents the process of rejuvenation and regeneration of a man approaching his golden years, with some hard miles on his body.

The Goal:
Keep an the old man in his boots, cheating death, and surly as ever for another half century.

This will all be done with exercises found in the Fugitive Fitness Concept.

Feel Free to Post Comments and Questions below… and of course follow along to cheer him on.

Test Subject is Currently:
Sex: Male
Height: 5’4
Weight: 200lbs
DOB: 1950’s

The Complaints:
*Complains of Restless Sleeps
*Memory Fog
*Displays Mobility Issues (A shuffle)
*Has problems “getting going” sometimes

*Mobility issues; especially in the Upper back (ie. Hunched Forward)
*Balance Issues
*Loss of Mass in glutes
*Loss of strength in lower body

*Started with 1000mg capsule in the morning, and saw improvements with in the week.
*After 3wks, dose was increased two 1000mg capsule in the morning, and 1000mg around lunch so as to not affect sleep quality in a negative way
+Turmeric is well know in India for:
-Anti-inflammatory; reducing pain
-Improvements in memory and neurological function
-Promotes Testosterone Production

Initial Exercise prescription:
We always want to bring what someone can do, and work towards that they can’t in a gradual upward trend. In short:

The key to success is incrementally sucking-less”

Enter The Lazarus Squat:
With an aging population one of the things we notice is a loss of mass in the posterior chain; more specifically in the Glutes and Rhomboids. This muscular imbalance leads to joint pain, and hunching forward. This leads to a lack of mobility, and with it further muscle loss.

The Lazarus Squat is designed to promote activation in the Upper Leg, Glutes, and Upper Back.


In front of a box or chair, that they can get up out of with medium difficulty:

  1. Stand with feet about shoulder width a part. Eyes looking slightly upward, with the toes angled outward. Maintain Eye and Foot position, as much as possible, through the movement
  2. Extend Arms out in front for counter balance, position your body weight so that it is at the front part of the heel.
  3. Push the butt back, and slowly lower the butt until it comes in contact with the chair.
  4. Leading with the chest, drive up through the heels out of the bottom, bringing the hands/arms back as you come up.
  5. At the top position, the arms should be locked straight, fingers splayed, and the shoulder should be as far back as your upper back can pull them. At the same time actively squeeze the glutes and quads as hard as possible for 2-3 seconds.

Every time the subject sits down in a chair, and gets out of the chair, they need to perform the Lazarus Squat twice. We are using what has been referred to as “Greasing The Groove” (a la Pavel T.) to continually prime the nervous system; creating more activation. This has the effect of not exhausting the subject, while getting more total reps through the day.

“Frequency is more important than duration”

If you have any questions, comment below, and please feel free to share

*The Concepts discussed here can easily be applied to Men or Women, Young or Old, and we would be honored if we can help you or someone close to you. But because aren’t there to monitor the details of your situation, you should always consult a someone with letters after their name before doing any of this.*

**Remember, I am just some guy with muscles on the internet**

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Your training can stay exactly the same as it currently is. We will be adding something to the end of your workouts or ideally at the start of your day. The total duration will be less than 10min per day.

You could do it at home, in the gym, or while traveling, and in addition to anything else you do.

Some of the testing we have done in Strength Focused Athletes have shown dramatic increases in their ability to recover, improved work capacity without sacrificing strength, and all while leaning out.

Interested? Keep reading:


Progressive days:
(1) Minute Maker
– On the minute 40 fast rope rotations with high knees
– repeat 10 times

(2) Double Tabata
– 20 seconds of fast rope rotations with high knees
– 10 seconds of rest
– Repeat eight times, 2 minutes Break, Then Repeat the round

(3) Dirty 30s
– Every 30 seconds 20 rope rotations with high knees
– Repeat 20 times

(4) Four – fours
– 20 seconds of fast rope rotations with high knees
– 10 seconds of rest
– Repeat four times for a round, rest one minute, complete four rounds

(5) Five 100s
– Every 2 minutes 100 rope rotations with high knees
– Repeat 5 times

*These should be treated as sprints, Ie. Doing them as fast as you possibly can, then Rest.
**These are to be done with the Upgraded Rope; see previous posts
***For best result you will do this within the first hour of waking, It is also Acceptable to use these as a finisher to your existing training program
****Complete one of these everyday for 12 weeks; repeating the sessions in the order that they appear.
***** Take before, and after photos in the same clothes, as well as what your bodyweight is before, and after the 12 weeks. Feel free to measure anything else you feel is relevant.
******Feels free to add reps as you adapt.

******* This is to be done in addition to what you are currently doing (or not doing); not instead of.


Now, Shall we being…?

Please LIKE and SHARE with whomever you feel will benefit.

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Dante’s Inferno

This program template was developed for a Client (with an existing strength base) that was looking to develop strength and conditioning at the same time.

They also for a variety of factors, had a small window to train. If disciplined about rest, one should be able to have trained, finished mobility work and be in changing out in less than 1 hr.

Skipping with the AGRO Rope is an easy way to build agility, as well as muscular endurance and increased vascularity in the upper extremities.

“Can I use this program without the AGRO rope?”
You can do whatever you like, but the results will vary.

Day 1: Barbell squats front / back
Superset with 10 x KB swings or Banded Pull Throughs
Skipping 30 to 50 rotations

Day 2: Press incline Bench or standing overhead press
Superset with pulls and banded pec deck
Skipping 30 to 50 rotations

Day 3: Deadlifts sumo / Romanian style
Superset with squat jumps (land on mats for foot longevity)
Or bench jumps
Skipping 30 to 50 rotations

Day 4: Weighted pull ups / resistance pulls up / wide pulls ups / neutral grip pull ups
Superset with plyo push ups
Or rebound push ups (drop into the push up)
Skipping 30 to 50 rotations

Guidelines for strength days:
Do no more than 6 – 8 sets.
Keep rep range at 2 – 6 reps.
2-3 minute rest between strength sets.

CONDITIONING OPTIONS: Use the EMOM (Every minute on the minute) or HIIT (high intensity interval training) to maximize your time. A timeline of 10 to 30 minutes will serve you well.
– Burpees (keep them snappy)
– Sprints (consider use of hill sprints, skipping rope, bike, rowing machine, assault bike, etc)
– I’d HIIT It Protocol (see below)

I’d HIIT It:

(1) Minute Maker
– On the minute 40 fast rope rotations with high knees
– repeat 10 times

(2) Double Tabata
– 20 seconds of fast rope rotations with high knees
– 10 seconds of rest
– Repeat eight times, 2 minutes Break, Then Repeat the round

(3) Dirty 30s
– Every 30 seconds 20 rope rotations with high knees
– Repeat 20 times

(4) Four – fours
– 20 seconds of fast rope rotations with high knees
– 10 seconds of rest
– Repeat four times for a round, rest one minute, complete four rounds

(5) Five 100s
– Every 2 minutes 100 rope rotations with high knees
– Repeat 5 times

*These are five individual sessions, only one per day
*These should be treated as sprints, Ie. Doing them as fast as you possibly can, then Rest.

Strength day 1
Strength day 2
Strength day 3
Strength day 4
Off recovery


Strength day 1
Strength day 2
Strength day 3
Strength day 4
Off recovery


Strength day 1
Strength day 2
Off recovery
Strength day 3
Strength day 4
Off recovery
Off recovery

**Don’t do more than 2 strength days in a row**
*Do the “postural reset sequence” daily in addition to any required stretching and mobility sequences.

Postural Reset: 1-2 sets of 15-30reps

Limber 11:

Simple 6:

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Fugitive Fitness: A Quick Restoration After Being Stuck in a “Cattle Car” pt. 1:

If you are anything much more than Hobbit sized, the seats of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles will leave you feeling banged up, and hunched forward.

This is further amplified by the amount of time most people spend on their phones or at a desk.

Whether you are traveling for fun or for a “gig”, here are some quick exercises you can do almost anywhere to get feeling right again.

You can use the D2A resistance bands:


Resistance Bands Package


You will need one band.

*The exercises are shown with a 30# red band from Rogue Fitness.

Click for Rogue Monster Bands


Cycle through the following 1-3x:

Banded Squatting Horizontal. Row 15-30x
Banded Vert Row 15-30x
Gymnastics’ push up 6-12x
Banded underhand Pull a parts 15-30


Banded Squatting Horizontal Row 15-30x

From semi squatted position

As you pull make sure to rotate your hands as Shown.

Also be sure to squeeze each rep for a one count in the contracted position.


Banded Vertical Row 15-30x

Start with hands over head, with arms at full extension.

As you pull down, think about bringing your elbows to your ribs, and the band to touch your shoulder blades

Make sure to squeeze in the contracted position of each rep for at least one second


Gymnastics’ push up 6-12x

Hand placement is such that the thumbs are contacting the nipples.

The core is locked in an Isometric contraction through all reps, this includes the legs.

Pay close attention to the elbow, and how the  elbow pits are turned forward at the top position, and there is an isometric contraction for 1sec at the top of each Rep.


Banded underhand Pull a parts 15-30x/p>

With the band at eye level, and palms up; ensure that at shoulder width there is some tension on the band.

Pull the band so it comes down to your collarbone or upper chest.

As you reset the rep make sure you are maintaining some tension on the band.


Part 2, coming soon…