El Ruso

(17 customer reviews)


El Ruso FAQ

Fugitive Fitness was a method born out of necessity.

Due to the living a nomadic lifestyle or having a busy schedule, we aren’t always able to make it to the gym.

But maintaining higher levels of strength and conditioning is a key component to health, and makes everything in life easier.

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The foundation of El Ruso is built with a push, pull, squat, hinge and rotate scheme. These are the classic building blocks of many Soviet Era athletes. Banded accessories are added to stave off injuries that can result from muscular imbalances.  The finishers are there to complete the package by developing work capacity, and rapid recovery.

El Ruso was designed to be a simple and approachable way to build and maintain a high level of physical prowess without having to learn a bunch of complicated exercises or the need for a bunch of fancy equipment; all while staying injury free.

You will be provided with a straightforward program using undulating progression to build muscle, increase strength and power as well as dramatically improve work capacity.

Further to that, El Ruso is completely scalable; you are easily able to begin with whatever level you are at, and start working towards where you want to be.

17 reviews for El Ruso

  1. Aurélien B (verified owner)

    My background : I am about ten years of workout. I tested the iron (barbell, dumbbells), body weight training and a little bit the kettlebell. Currently, I use Paul Wade’s Convict Conditioning with some dumbbell exercises. i don’t have a high level.
    I find El Ruso brilliant because the method adapts to any level thanks to the resistance bands and the different exercises based on body weight. Exercises are offered to correct muscle imbalances, which is important for long-term health. Not to mention advice on nutrition and rest.

  2. truenorthtradecraft

    After over 20 years in Military, law enforcement, security and the martial arts, I have a great appreciation for the role fitness play in one’s ability to perform. El Ruso is a minimalist training regime which gives you the flexibility to build strength and power without costly equipment or memberships. The results are designed to do everything you want (strength, power, flexibility) all without injury. With a few bands, you can travel anywhere and maintain a high level of fitness. Truly a nomadic-ready system. I truly enjoy it.

  3. T.J. Kennedy

    I currently work in executive security and have had 15 years of experience as bar and nightclub security where going hands on as a necessity of the job led to various injuries. Coupled with training and competition injuries, getting older and with a family to support and a principal to protect – I have to maintain my body’s integrity and ability to perform on-demand. All my injuries over the years don’t make it easy, and toward the end of rehabilitating and/or maintaining and even increasing your body’s output capacity and overall health & longevity – El Ruso can be a part of a long-term plan and can be adapted to virtually any level of fitness and ability.

    Not just that, but managing a lifestyle with a career, side business ventures, and being a full-time family man – time management is paramount. This program is sustainable for a person that needs to be efficient with their use of time.

    T.J. Kennedy
    Training Director
    Kennedy Tactical Concepts

  4. alzatevarley (verified owner)

    El Ruso helps me stay true to my minimalist lifestyle while improving my overall strength endurance and mobility. With just resistance bands I’m able to do a simple and efficient strength & conditioning exercise just about anywhere without risk of injury or over training! It doesn’t leave me too exhausted for martial arts training or rock climbing. Instead I feel ready to get after anything after El Ruso

  5. Will Wilde

    I have been doing front line police work for a decade and have 15 years experience in the military as a navy diver. During my time off I pursue international travel. The El Ruso program allows me to stay fit even when I can not make it to the gym while remaining injury free so that I am ready to meet operational demands.

  6. Havier Meyer (verified owner)

    As someone that works in the medical field, with years of training in various martial arts at a world competitive level, as well as being certified as a personal trainer, I am someone that has really come to appreciate El Ruso.
    It is simple, but it’s not easy. It’s something that anyone could do because the reps and loads are all based off of your own capacity, and it’s very manageable within your schedule.
    It is the best regime I’ve seen for getting fast results as long as you stick with it.

  7. Bret Campel

    I’ve lived, worked and traveled across five continents. In my line of work I benefit from incredible funding, and while stateside enjoy top of the line gyms with all the equipment anyone could ask for. That Gucci stuff isn’t always available when we’re in theatre or on work trips, which is when I turn to el Ruso. Bands, a jump rope, and a sandbag or kettlebell are all I need to maintain strength and conditioning with minimal time. When I’m running on crap food, no sleep, and have to be ready to throw my kit on at a moment’s notice, I don’t have time to screw around with BS that doesn’t work. The protocols here WORK. They keep me strong, and keep me fresh.

  8. celialopez89

    Other than offering a program suitable for any level of physical resistance it also emphasizes the importance of resting to achieve better results. As well as recommendations of the eating habits that one should follow. As a physical trainer myself, I think it is a very complete guide since it is a low impact, working with bands avoids injuries and strengthens the flexibility and mobility. It was surprising for me how much it emphasizes the importance of the form and posture.

  9. fskommando (verified owner)

    El Ruso is a brilliant yet simple approach to functional fitness. There is no reason, no excuse not to buy this program.

  10. CM (verified owner)

    My primary focus in physical training is skill development (MMA/armed combatives), and an intelligently-designed strength & conditioning program enhances performance & recovery/durability in those endeavours.

    Often, S&C programs suffer the shortcoming of breaking down the body enough so that the skill training sessions are diminished; this is where El Ruso comes in.

    El Ruso’s scalable full-body resistance, combined with the rock-solid philosophy that “more isn’t better; BETTER is better” has resulted in a strength & conditioning program that can be sustained long-term, with the athlete feeling BETTER after training, rather than worse. Improvements in work capacity, power output, and mobility are rapidly evident.
    Feeling is believing.

  11. dce1375 (verified owner)

    El Ruso is a highly functional program. The content and detail of the instruction is breathtaking. With working in a busy PIC Unit, my time is limited. I no longer have to worry about finding time to get to the gym, the El Ruso program is my gym. I can’t get enough of it!

  12. fallaxculter (verified owner)

    “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
    To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
    – Buckminster Fuller

    The Soviets had a knack for being unconventional, embracing unorthodoxy and sometimes throwing mass amounts of crap at a wall just to see what would stick and improve upon it. This mindset was derived from austerity, sub optimal conditions but attaining maximum results none-the-less. El Ruso is distilled from that foundation and shook up the way I looked at “fitness” in general. El Ruso will take out of you what it needs to improve you but it will leave you with enough in the tank to deal with Comrade Murphy when he shows up. (And he will show up, he always does.) Minimalistic in prerequisites, maximalist in efficacy. Try it.

  13. jayberry.miller (verified owner)

    While I don’t work a renegade job myself, I recognize that to be useful to and serve society in the ways that I am called to be useful in, I must pursue a level of physique and skillset that is congruent with that of the fugitive or outlaw. I also travel a good bit and will only start travel more as time goes by. I have just enough anti-establishment streak that the idea of going to a gym with a gym membership isn’t happening.

    I had been doing some basic body-weight exercises and a few simple movements with a couple dumbbells and a kettle bell, but no rhythm or reason. El Ruso not only fits my lifestyle and goals of useful fitness , but has take my personal fitness to a whole new level of well rounded ability, though only partway through the full 48 week cycle. Highly Recommended.

  14. Benjamin Johnson (verified owner)

    I’m a military vet with a decent amount of experience working in austere environments. I’m also used to improvised gyms (what we affectionately called prison gyms) in places where it isn’t possible to “lift” in the traditional sense. The Fugitive Fitness programme and specifically El Ruso, is all of that and more.

    I won’t go into the importance of fitness for surviving what life throws at you, but I will say for anyone who lives the Nomad lifestyle, this is the programme for you. Even if you do have access to a gym, you lift regularly, and maybe live in constant pain from overstressed joints, this is the programme for you. To be honest, if you’ve never worked out before, this is the programme for you.

    Just rememeber: “More isn’t better, Better is better.”

  15. Daniel Wong (verified owner)

    I found maintaining a fitness routine became increasingly difficult with small children. A 15 minute drive to the gym meant you were wasting 30 minutes that could have been used to work out. For this reason, el ruso has been invaluable for me. Combined with the resistance bands and carabiner/paracord setup, I can set up a gym anywhere in my home. I also just picked up the AGRO rope and am planning to add cardio and speed to my routine. Highly recommend this system.

  16. Marcos (verified owner)

    I bought this program in mid 2019. I didn’t use it in earnest until February 2020, when I was driving to Michigan to care for my dad. I am not comfortable working out in public and it made the long hours in the hotel room pass by nicely, not to mention the sleep I got after a good workout. El Ruso, combined with my combatives training at a local gym, has helped me lose over 40 pounds this year! I’m also getting subtly stronger in ways I never thought of. My fighting stances are more sure and steady, and my punches have more power. I love that the bands provide two ways of resistance and it has led me to much quicker workouts. It’s also nearly endlessly customizable. Although I didn’t follow the dietary recommendations, they were enough for me to stop and think about what I was consuming, and I found an alternate route in Noom to help me with the psychological and accountability aspects of proper nutrition. I definitely credit the El Ruso program for that prod.

  17. Petr Benda (verified owner)

    Make your health and fitness a priority. Another excellent product by D2A. Highly recommend!

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