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The Monks & Mavericks Ep 10 ft. Jay of TuffPossumGear – Entrepreneurship, Principles of Design, Life

#life #Mindset #EDC #Philosophy

Jayberry Miller Started TuffPossumGear when before he could legally drive a car. He did his because he loved the outdoors, couldn’t afford the gear he wanted, and wanted to serve others.

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We discus Dieter Ram’s 10 Principles of design, Nerd out on Textiles and the diffence between good gear, and lemons. We also get into Life, and what drives a young man onward and upward.

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The Monks & Mavericks Ep 9 ft. Hoodoo Moses – Occult Magik Shamanism Drugs Culture & Appropriations

#Occult #magik #Magic #Majik #Drugs #mystery #culture #religion

Brother Hoodoo Moses and Ace go down the garden path on occult, drugs, culture, “Cultural Appropriation” and beyond, with:

We had been trying to make this on happen for a minute; and with a bit of verbal sparring it was one of the deeper dives we’ve done.

Books Mentioned:
*Secret Teachings of all Ages
*The Golden Bough
*The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic book
*Richest Man in Babylon
*Millionaire Next Door
*Millionaire Mindset
*I Will Teach You To Be Rich

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